Dropshipping allows a person to start a business with ease. You don't have to have a place to store tons of merchandise. Because lets face it, if your trying to make a regular income working from home. You'll need to make close to or more than 100 sales a week. Now where are you going to keep all the products for that many sales? Try dropshippers!
Now if you planning on joining a dropshipper program you're more than likely going to have to pay a fee in order to work for them. There are some companies that offer free programs, but they usually don't have as good of wholesale prices. So it might be worth it for you to pay the fee. These fee's can run from I believe $15 a month to over $200. Sometimes it is only a one time fee. Some you will even be offered a free trial period to see if it will work for you. Along with getting 1000's of product at wholesale to choose from, some companies offer a website and hosting included for free.
Once you decide to start you will most of the time be asked for you Tax Identification Number (TIN). This is just your Social Security Number.
Now on to the list of great dropshippers that have the greatest prices and products:
~ The first is Doba. Doba has 90 different product suppliers, and offer 250,00 products. Some of which you might not be able to find elsewhere. With them you get a 7 Day free trial, the lowest prices garanteed. Click the banner below to get started.
~Another good one is Shopster.com. This one is new to the dropshipping world. They offer the largest inventory of products (over 700,000).
What you get with you membership.
~Access to the internet's largest inventory of dropshippers.
~No Hidden fees
~Ease of use
~eBay Turbo Lister that allows you to quickly get your auctions up and running on eBay with little effort
~Order delivery and supplier management
~You only pay wholesale price once the items are sold.
~A 7 Day Free Trial.
ONESOURCE is also a great source. They offer over 2,000,000 products from 4,000 brands to choose from. They also offer instant market research, in order to stay current on the hottest products. OneSource is also updated EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS DAY OF THE YEAR with new Wholesale Suppliers and Instant Wholesale Buys, by our full-time Research Team. To get started it is a one time, lifetime fee of $269. This site has plenty to offer, it's worth the money. Click the banner to get started.
At DropshipDesign offers:
FREE dropship services to all our member with no minimum orders. FREE customer care directly to your buyers (we handle returns). FREE order fulfillment. We place orders with the manufacturers for you. FREE email address with the website plan. FREE domain name of your choice with the website plan. FREE hosting with the website plan. FREE sales tax service. We pay & report the sales tax to the State for you! FREE payment processing. No Credit Card/PayPal fees, we pay it for you! Unlimited Access to ALL our products at unbeatable wholesale prices! No Monthly Fees and No Hidden Fees.
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