Friday, April 18, 2008

Work at home Position with REAL company

Work at home with a REAL Company- HR

Tired of all the scams?

I have a position available for serious people. The position is a

Looking for a work at home position?

You can get a job as a REAL employee with a REAL company today! The company is ASI and has been established since 1989. We are America's largest doctor referral serice with over 300,000 physician and dentists nationwide.

We are looking for serious people who can represent the company in a professional manner.

You can make anywhere from $200-$400 part-time weekly or $500- $800 full-time weekly.

There is no investment to work with us, no out-of-pocket expenses. This is a real company with real positions available.

You would be working in the Human Resources Dept. from home.

If you are interested and would like to set up an interview please call:

Kelly Archuleta


Human Resources Dept.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Best Idea I've seen for making money

Alright, this has to be the best idea for making money I have ever seen so far. It's so simple. I can't believe how easy this is. I know you think the same if you read on. This is not an affiliate program, paid to sign up or read email or anything like that. For the most part is mostly deals with your mailbox. There is a small investment, but not to any sites or anything like that. Ok I'll just get to it, so you understand what I'm trying to say.


WHAT YOU NEED (THE INVESTMENT):~6 $1.00 U.S. bills~6 stamps~6 pieces of paper~6 envelopes
I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. I was browsing through several newsgroups and came across an article similar to this that said, “You could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00!” So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading.
It continued, “That you need to send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch!” That was it!
So after thinking it over, and telling my husband, I gonna try it! I figure, “What have I got to lose? Except 6 stamps, about $2.41 and $6.00, so about $8.50, right?"
So reading on, this person, named Brook on June 03, 19103 at 14:59:13: She goes on to say: “I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!!
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!

SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money comes pouring in!
It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage).

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.

PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business.
In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

========================================... -->
HERE ARE 4 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED<-- STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the envelope to prevent thievery). Send out only US $ DOLLAR, so it would be more acceptable. STEP 2: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.” your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting for a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us, I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Step 3: Mail the US$ 6.00 to the following addresses: 1) Brandon Corbin 307N Church St Lancaster PA 17603 2) Leering Quinn P.O. Box 242 Busman PA 17504 3) Janelle Lyman 810 N. Clay Street Colfax, WA 99111 4) Danielle Novak 11308 E. Mission Ave. #21 Spokane, Wa 99206 5) Carol Larson 204 Nob Hill Rd. St. John, Wa 99171 6) Kelly Archuleta 3209 Riviera Pl NE Albuquerue, NM 87111 STEP 4: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 5: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 2.4million groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes it legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchasers name to his mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. IMPORTANT: Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, and add your own name to the list, and you're in business! ========================================... -->

Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, right click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.

Step 2) Open a blank "Notepad" file, and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list.

Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer, try searching for various newsgroups, (regarding on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)

Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT!
All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for each newsgroup!

**REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** that’s it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**

*Now the WHY part; Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! And so on and so forth. You get the picture.
Anyway, you should try it. I was happy I did.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The BEST PTC and PTR sites ever, Big Money!!!

I have found the most wonderful PTC and PTR (paid to read and paid to click) sites ever. At first I thought, Ya right, this isn't real. But I thought I'd try it out and see what happened and it ended up that it was totally legit. I know this all might sound crazy to you but they are free to sign up for so you really have nothing to lose. There's no harm in trying and I don't think you'll be sorry. I am not doing this to scam or lie to anyone. These sites are real and I just want to help you out. I know it's not easy making money, especially online. I just want help those of you who need it. If you don't think this will work for you after trying, just cancel your account. But these sites have helped me so much. Please just try it. Don't miss out on something that could be the best.

Now, let's talk about the sites. These are ptc and ptr sites where you can get $2000.00 or more for reading a email and $1000.00 or more for clicking and viewing the ads for a few seconds. I know it sounds crazy, but it's no joke. I have signed up for all of them and in just one of my accounts I have made $23,000.00 in 24 hours. I am about to cash out on it. I am so glad I came across these sites and I know you will be too.

Ok I am going to try to order these sites from best paying.
Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$5000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $100000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 20% Level 2 - 5%
Click the banner to join.

I know already you've gotta be saying, this isn't real. Well issure you it is. In this account I have the $5000.00 sign up bonus, I haven't been able to start on the emails and ads yet. But you get lots of emails and ads, so the money builds you fast.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$2000 signup bonus
$400 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 20% Level 2 - 5% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.
Click banner to join.

At wonderful-mails I have $39,000.00 in my account just after 24 hours. I have been working with this one the most. I am going cash out on this one very soon.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$2000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption within 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Ref levels:Level 1 - 25% Level 2 - 3% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

Here I also only have the $2000.00 sign up bonus right now. I will be working on this and other when I can. I have just signed you up for so many that I haven't been able to get to them all. I also want to build up my wonderful mails one so I can cash out and make sure this works.
Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$2000 signup bonus
$200 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 15% Level 2 - 8% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

My earnings here are $16,500.00.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $1000
All ptc worth $500
$5000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payoutFast
Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 15% Level 2 - 8% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

Click the banner to join.

I only have the sign up bonus here as well. But I have tons of emails waiting to be read and ads
to be clicked.
Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $1000
All ptc worth $500
$5000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 15% Level 2 - 8% is not a multi-level marketing site!
This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

Here I have $ 12,300.00 in my account.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $500
All ptc worth $100 $50
$2000 signup bonus
$200 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $10000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 10% Level 2 - 8% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

I have $ 3,950.00 in my account.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $100,$200
All ptc worth $25 $50
$2000 signup bonus
$200 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $10000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payoutFast
Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 15% Level 2 - 5% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

I have $ 3,850.00 here.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $100,$200
All ptc worth $25 $50
$1000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $5000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payoutFast
Payments For Honest MembersPayments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:Level 1 - 25% Level 2 - 20% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

I have $ 1,000.00 in my account.

FREE Membership
All E-mail worth:100$ ,50$
All PTC worth : 20$ ,10$
$500signup bonus
No downline required for payout
$100 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only 2000$
We send redemptions with 48 hours
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments are made with: PayPal,eGoldMoneyBookers, StormPay,EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
International Members are Welcome
5 Ref levels of commission under you
Level 1-20% Level 2-15%

I have $ 500.00 in my account.

FREE Membership
All Cash!!
All E-mail worth:$5
All PTC worth:$3
$50 signup bonus.
$10 referral bonus
Fast Payments For Honest Members.
No minimum payout for upgraded members!
Redeemption page start from only $1000.
We send redemptions with 48 hours.
Payments made with PayPal,E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Money Order or check!
2 Ref level of commission under you Level:
Level 1- 20% Level 2-10%

I have $50 in my account for right now.

FREE Membership
All E-mail worth:1$
All PTC worth : 0.5$
$20 signup bonus
No downline required for payout
Upgrade more benefits
$1 referral bonus
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Redeemption page start from 100$
We send redemptions with 48 hours
Payments made with PayPal,e-gold, MoneyBookers,StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay,NetPay,Neteller,E-Bullion,Money Order or check.
International Members are Welcome
Ref levels Level 1-20% Level 2-15%

Here at Incentria you can earn an extra stream of income by completing simple tasks; We have advertisers that will pay you real cash money to simply view their websites, and other advertisers will pay you even more to join their various programs!
Member Benefits
Paid To Click
Paid To Read
Paid To Signup
Traffic Exchange
PTP $0.20 CPM
$1 Payout
10% Referral Earnings

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$8000 signup bonus
$400 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $100000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal, E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels: Level 1 - 20% Level 2 - 5% is not a multi-level marketing site! This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join. You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

FREE Membership
All mail worth:20$ 40$
All PTC worth : 5$ 10$
$200 signup bonus
$88 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $1500
Upgrade more benefits
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
We send redemption with 48 hours
Payments made: PayPal,e-gold,
MoneyBookers,StormPay, EvoCash,
Money Order or check!
International members are Welcome
5 Ref levels:
Level 1 - 30%
Level 2 - 20%
Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$2000 signup bonus
$500 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $50000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal,
E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay,
NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:
Level 1 - 25% Level 2 - 3% is not a multi-level marketing site!
This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join.
You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

Free Memberships.
Get Paid by clicking!
All Emails Worth $2000
All ptc worth $1000
$8000 signup bonus
$400 referral bonus
Redeemption starts only $100000
We send redemption with 48 hours
No downline required for payout
Fast Payments For Honest Members
Payments Will be Made With via PayPal,
E-Gold,MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay,
NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
Ref levels:
Level 1 - 20% Level 2 - 5% is not a multi-level marketing site!
This is a Pay Per Action Site and the membership is completely free to join.
You are not required to recruit or sell anything in order to get paid.

Thats it for now, more to come. I hope you find these sites as useful as I did. Good Luck!!;)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Great Dropshippers

If you wanna sell on eBay, your going to want to consider a dropshipper. A dropshipper is a company that offers a wide variety of products at wholesale prices. When you sign up with them all you need to do is, list the items you choose to use from the companies and when they sell the company ships them for you. You keep the profit and pay the company the wholesale price. These companies will usually take care of all the issues as well. Things like, costumer service, returns, sales tax etc. So you have very little to worry about ;) Just collect your money.

Dropshipping allows a person to start a business with ease. You don't have to have a place to store tons of merchandise. Because lets face it, if your trying to make a regular income working from home. You'll need to make close to or more than 100 sales a week. Now where are you going to keep all the products for that many sales? Try dropshippers!

Now if you planning on joining a dropshipper program you're more than likely going to have to pay a fee in order to work for them. There are some companies that offer free programs, but they usually don't have as good of wholesale prices. So it might be worth it for you to pay the fee. These fee's can run from I believe $15 a month to over $200. Sometimes it is only a one time fee. Some you will even be offered a free trial period to see if it will work for you. Along with getting 1000's of product at wholesale to choose from, some companies offer a website and hosting included for free.

Once you decide to start you will most of the time be asked for you Tax Identification Number (TIN). This is just your Social Security Number.

Now on to the list of great dropshippers that have the greatest prices and products:

~ The first is Doba. Doba has 90 different product suppliers, and offer 250,00 products. Some of which you might not be able to find elsewhere. With them you get a 7 Day free trial, the lowest prices garanteed. Click the banner below to get started.

~Another good one is This one is new to the dropshipping world. They offer the largest inventory of products (over 700,000).

What you get with you membership.
~Access to the internet's largest inventory of dropshippers.
~No Hidden fees
~Ease of use
~eBay Turbo Lister that allows you to quickly get your auctions up and running on eBay with little effort
~Order delivery and supplier management
~You only pay wholesale price once the items are sold.
~A 7 Day Free Trial.

ONESOURCE is also a great source. They offer over 2,000,000 products from 4,000 brands to choose from. They also offer instant market research, in order to stay current on the hottest products. OneSource is also updated EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS DAY OF THE YEAR with new Wholesale Suppliers and Instant Wholesale Buys, by our full-time Research Team. To get started it is a one time, lifetime fee of $269. This site has plenty to offer, it's worth the money. Click the banner to get started.

At DropshipDesign offers:

FREE dropship services to all our member with no minimum orders. FREE customer care directly to your buyers (we handle returns). FREE order fulfillment. We place orders with the manufacturers for you. FREE email address with the website plan. FREE domain name of your choice with the website plan. FREE hosting with the website plan. FREE sales tax service. We pay & report the sales tax to the State for you! FREE payment processing. No Credit Card/PayPal fees, we pay it for you! Unlimited Access to ALL our products at unbeatable wholesale prices! No Monthly Fees and No Hidden Fees.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shop and get paid, don't be a secret shopper

Recently I have come across a site that pays you to shop. This is not a secret shopper site! The site is called My Power Mall. How is works: when you join (FREE) you get your own mall with every store you can think of in it; eBay, Amazon, Overstock, Petsmart, Avon..etc. You can find 1000+ stores to buy from. This company is always in search of the best deals out there, so you have the best deals at your fingertips. When you shop at these store's in your mall, (store's you would normally shop at) and make a purchase the company (My Power Mall owner's) issue you a rebate on every purchase you make through your store. So you get the best deals and get paid to shop!

They also offer a business opportunity with a potential of financial freedom. The business system works pretty much the same as I explained above. Only with this part you will help other build there store, basically referring them. And anyone who gets a store through you will make you commission. When they make purchases you get a percent. The great thing is, is that you can continue to refer people and make a good amount of income. Seriously who doesn't want to make money back when they buy stuff. Everybody's always looking for the best deals. Well now you can offer them a place where they get the best deals then money back every time. What do you have to lose? It's free to join and you can shop where you normally would. If your interested click the banner below and watch the movie to see if you want to join, and remember it's free.

Social Networking Sites That Pay you to Socialize

Social network site that pay you, work because of the advertisers. These sites are able to pay you for being a part of them because the pages you build all have advertisements on them. So when people view pages like your profile, pictures or videos you have uploaded, or when you read or write blogs, leave comments, receive comments etc. the advertisements on the pages are being viewed as well. When that happens the social networking site owners get paid for each view. They then can turn around and pay you a percentage of what they were paid. They split the money between all the people who have these advertisements on their page. So everybody get some.

Here are three social networking sites that pay:

So far I have made the most with MyVieWin.

If you want to make some friends, have fun and make a little money join these sites for free. You have nothing to lose. Hope to see you there.

Paid Emails and Offers

There are plenty of ways to make some extra money online, paid emails are one of those ways. These are sites that send you emails everyday and when you open up the email you are paid for it. Usually these sites also offer other ways to make money as well. Most of the time you can earn more money with the emails that you receive if you complete the offer or take the survey you get in the email. It should tell you if you will earn anything and how much in the email. They sometimes also give you ways to make more money in the site directly by giving you a chance to complete other offers, shopping through their site, playing games etc. These sites are definitely very popular, there are a great many sites that pay you to read emails. Here are some that I make money with everyday. Hope they are useful for you.

~Inbox Dollars is a paid to read emails site. Join for free, get a $5 sign up bonus and get paid when your account reaches $30. They will send you a couple emails a day and all you have to do is, open the email and click "confirm reading this email" and that's is. You will receive about .03 - .04 cents and email. This site also offers other ways to make money. You can complete offers and get anywhere from .50 - $25 per offer completed. You can choose free offers, trial offers or survey offers. The free offer will usually pay less, anywhere from .50 - $3. The trial offers pay more because most of the time you will have to pay for a small shipping fee or something like that. You will usually only pay about $1 - $3 but you will get back anywhere from $5 - $25. The survey offers are just survey sites that you sign up with and make .50 - $2 for doing so. Usually these sites are free to sign up with. Other ways to make money with this site are to take surveys for a $1, shop and get rebates, and play games. You can choose free games for points or you pay to compete and win cash prizes for up to $1000s. To join for free and start making some money click the banner.

~sendearnings is also a paid to read site. This one is a lot like Inbox Dollars. It has the same layout and offer similar ways to make money. You will receive emails daily and you can earn by completing offers, surveys, shopping and games. They are free to join and also give you a $5 sign up bonus. The payout is when your account reaches $30.

~SnapDollars is also a lot like sendearnings or Inbox Dollars. The layout is different, but you make money they same ways. Like the banner says, they pay you to complete offers, surveys, play games, shop online. You can earn up to $50 for completing offers. This site is also free to join and they give you a $5 sign up bonus as well.

~tiktikcash pays you .01 - .10 cents to read emails, up to $50 for surveys, up to $25 for completed offers, paid shopping and paid games. Join for free and get a $5 sign up bonus. Payout is at $100 the first time and $50 thereafter. They pay you through paypal.

~Project Payday is a get paid to complete offers site, but a very different one from all the others that I have listed here.

Project Payday is where you can go to make offer trades, make money instantly completing an offer for someone, or you can find people to complete your offers in return for free stuff... cash, products, merchandise etc. These offers are part of those sites and emails you sometimes see that are offering you a new plasma TV or game system as long as you complete 2 or 3 sponsor offers. Many people think these sites are scams, granted some are. Project Payday shows you how to find the ones that are not. Some of these sites have been seen on the news for good feedback of actually giving away free stuff. People are now taking advantage of these sites and helping others do the same. There is an entire community of people online doing trades and actually making and income and getting free stuff from these sites. It's a very simple and quick way to make some money. All you do is go to a forum where people are looking for someone to complete an offer for them. In return they will pay you via PayPal anywhere from $20 to a couple hundred to do so for them. The amount they pay depend on the quality of the free product they are trying to receive. So you can go there and make some money completing offers. Also you can do the same thing. You can pay someone to complete offers for you in order for you to receive a free product of your choice. You can also do trades if you don't want to pay someone. You can find a section of people offering a trade (you complete an offer for them, they complete an offer for you). Sometimes with these offers you will have a small fee. It's usually only for like $1 -$3 for shipping or something like that. But what you get paid for doing it is worth it. Another cool part about this site is if you choose to work on getting a free item (Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, IPods, TV's etc) you can always turn around and sell it on eBay or your local classifieds. Whatever!

This is not a get rich quick scam!! You probably can't get rich doing this, but you can make some extra weekly or monthly cash. Plus, you are working and communicating directly with real people who have done this many times and can show you that they have receive free stuff from these sites. This site is definitely worth a look at if you looking to make a little extra money. You may also make some new friends.

If your ready to get started click HERE

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Need Business Cards

Request a business card samples from They offer a great range of designs. Design and personalized your cards. They also offer 24 hr LIVE help if you get stuck designing you cards. They Looks very professional and are of Good quality. If you ask for a sample they will send you many different examples.

Free DVD - Achieving Success with Your Music

Do you love music? Are you a musician? Do you want to make money with your music. Get a free 2 hr DVD that gives you tips on making and maximizing your income with your music at

Start making your dreams a reality! Learn to play the music you love for the world to hear.

Download FREE WriteExpress Software and Articles Offers great sources for finding rhyming words beginning with letters A-D, letters for categories acceptance, compliments and welcome, Business Letters and Letter-Writing Articles.

Learn to build your own letters with our step-by-step instructions and sample sentences and phrases for each writing step. This software is designed to help make you the shining star of your office!

Learn how to write Acceptance Letters, Action Verbs for your cover letter and resume, Apology Letters, Business Letters, Collection Letters, Complaint Letters, Cover Letters, Essay Writing, Farewell Letters, Follow-up Letters, Fundraising Letters, Letter Closings, Letter Writing, Love Letters, Recommendation Letters, Reference Letters, Refusal/Rejection Letters, Reprimand Letters, Request Letters, Resignation Letters, Sales Letters, Sympathy Letters, Thank-You Letters.

This is a great place for anyone in business or someone who wants to start a business, students who need help with writing essays for class, for someone who needs to write the perfect love letter, for someone looking for a job. As you can see from the categories above, it's a great place to find something for anyone.

I hope this helps!

Also find free sample resumes and templates, sample cover letters, and much more!

Get Free infor on Advancing your Career or Education

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Kaplan University

Monday, March 3, 2008

Find Companies That Hire (Work From Home)

Here is a list of places you might be able to find a company that will hire you to work from home. You might be able to find jobs being a virtual assistant, data entry jobs, transcription work, costumer service jobs, retails (sales) etc. Surprisingly there are plenty of companies that hire people to work at home. If this is what your looking for, I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to find something from the sites listed below. ** REMEMBER: Do not pay anything if you are looking to get hired, Real jobs will not ask you for anything.****

West Corporation
West Corporation hires you to do customer service jobs. Duties might include, entering and verifying customer information, answering questions, resolving issues, explaining sales features or offering additional products or services, all while providing exceptional customer service. This company allows you to set your own hours and work around your schedule.

Here you will find job listings for Virtual Assistants, Personal Assistants, Sim Assistants, Legal Indexing Agents, Data Entry Secretaries, Admin Assistants, Typist & Data Entry, Customer Service, Clerical and more. You can sign up for a free news letter that will include jobs listings sent to email. is a decent source for work at home jobs. There are some scams that make there way into the classifieds. But you can find real work there as well. You can also post your resume if you want to help get source.

They list over 1400 work at home jobs with a very wide range of job types. You can search work at home jobs and freelance jobs. You can get a news letter sent to your email with job listings. They offer training on resumes, cover letters and interviews. This site is very legit, everything here is fee free. They also say that if you find a job that is asking for a fee to report them. They do not allow scams here.

Family Blueprint
This site list tons of work at home Administrative/Call Center/Coding/Customer Service/Data Entry Employers, Computer Services Employers, Legal Support Employers, Skip Tracing, Transcription Employers.

More to come!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get hired to work at home!

These days it is very hard to find work online. I am constantly seeing people talking about how they have been working at home online since the 90's. They always say "It was a lot easier to get a job online then, because there weren't as many scams out there. There were actual jobs." Man I wish I had found a job online back then or even just thought about it back then. Now I've been caught up in the big work at home online world of scams. Things look so legit sometime and they make it sound so good, you just can't resist. Well I'm done with that.

I have started a new journey to finding work at home, online. Tip: If it is a real job they will not ask you to pay them, do not pay them!!!!

There are real companies out there who will "HIRE" you. Remember that word? What happened to it in today's world? Well, here I am only going to write about jobs that will "HIRE" you. That mean you will probably need a resume again. You may have to go through the interview process and all of that.

If you want to make money online, this is the way to do it. Don't spend money on scams that make false promises. How is that making money? It's not! So get a job online that pays you paychecks weekly or monthly.

First let's start with WAHM (work at home mom). This is a great source for finding work at home. They will provide you with legit work at home job listings from freelance jobs to careers. You can find jobs in sales, web design, Tech support, data entry (the real ones), phone jobs, appointment setting and more. They update their list on a daily basis and all of the jobs are fee free real jobs.

You will also find a message board there that allows you to talk with people who are or have worked in these companies. Then you can decide what's right for you. You can find business directories, classified ads, learning tools and much more. I urge you to check out this site if you are looking for a work home job.

A place that you can find Work at Home Transcription Jobs, home based agent jobs, Virtual Assistant jobs, Online tutor jobs, Travel Counselors, Medical transcription work, List of employers which hire telecommuting workers, customer service positions, places that hire disable people, the best places to search for jobs etc. You are bound to find something that works for you here. Online Job Search. Alison Doyle, writer of this blog practically does the searching for you. You won't find anything that is not legit here.

Another Kelly Land at money making mommy gives you basically classified add of real companies looking to hire. Her blog is called "No Fee Work at Home Jobs". She does hard work to bring everyone legit companies hiring. I highly recommend a look at her space as well.

You could also consider Freelance work.

~A freelancer or freelance worker is a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer.

Here is a list of sites that offer freelance job postings.








As you can see there are plenty of freelance sites out there. If these aren't enough for you just type freelance into the Google search engine. You'll find tons of sites.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Digital Delivery Made Easy for Blogs, Websites or eBay

Want to be able to sell digital products like articles or ebooks on your website, blog or eBay and digitally deliver the product safely? This is the most simple form of digital delivery that I have found. All you do is add the product to this site by uploading it from you computer and the site generates a link for you to add to your blog, site or eBay. You don't need to download anything or set anything up. Just sign up and your ready to start delivering your product. You won't find anything easier.

Click the banner. You can get a free version or pay for more helpful tools, more space, and items to maximize you sales on all you products. There is nothing to install, all you have to do is add a link to your site or blog at you can start selling immediately. Highly Recommended, I use this for my products, it works great. The banner says try if free now, that's if you choose to pay for more space and stuff.

Automate Your Blogs, Get fresh Content

Do you need fresh content to add to your blog or websites? Don't want to spend a fortune for it? Use Private Label Rights Articles (PLR)! You can get fresh content that you don't have to write to add to your blog or website everyday. You choose that best suites your site or blog and you can leave it how it is or modify it how you want it look and feel. Then you copy and paste it to your site or blog. It's that simple. You can also build your own articles or ebooks to sell if you need a product. If you want to know and easy way to sell these products easily with digital delivery on your blogs or website click here to find out how.

If you use Wordpress you can set a timer to add content to your site or blog everyday or every week.. whatever you choose. This is a great option if your not going to be around for a while, maybe on vacation or you just want to work on something else.

To get fresh content, purchase this PLR eCourse on "How to use PLR Products To Create a Money-Making Small Reports Business" for only $5.00.

Buy Now!

This information is very valuable, the content is great and fresh. You won't regret it if you are looking for free ideas!! You won't find this deal anywhere else. It's selling for $20 and up elsewhere.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Want a real work at home Job? Great Sources

Finding a real work at home job can be hard. If you are looking for a job that will hire you to work at home you might find something at these sites. You may even find some business opportunities. But if you are looking for a "get rich quick idea" then these sites aren't for you.

This woman tries to find actual jobs that hire people to work at home. She updates her list often and tries her hardest to bring you real jobs that pay you to work at home. Granted I have seen 1 or 2 slip into her list that looked legit, but weren't. Anyone could have made that mistake though with some of these scams if you haven't tried it. Anyway, I have tried almost everything out there, and I can promise that she does have some legit jobs listed here. I want to say thanks to here for her work. Click the link to go to here page moneymakingmommy.

This woman also has some very useful information on where to find work at home jobs.
Online Job Search. She gives you job listings, job search engines, job search tools, and more.
She's got tons of great information. She has job listing categories in areas like Career/Job Search Networking Sites, Entry-Level Jobs, Government Jobs, International Jobs, Jobs listed by Types, Seasonal Jobs, Summer Jobs, Retail Jobs, Temp Job, Teen Jobs, and Work at home Jobs. When you click on each of these categories you get a bigger list in that subject with tons of info. When you click the work at home, she gives you tools on how to stay away from scams, she gives you plenty of places that will hire you, and even places that hire disable people who can only work from home. This is a great site and I am so glad I found it. Thanks to her as well. If you are looking for a stay at home job, I'm sure you will be too. Good Luck!

Here's another great source WAHM (work at home mom). They have great legit listings for jobs, message boards, business opportunity's and lots more.

Finding Your Google ca-pub ID

To find your Google pub ID that you will need to add to some blog accounts in order to make money when they are clicked on is not hard.

1. Make an account here if you don't already have one.
2. Log into your account, the page you are on should be showing you a list of services you are using from Google. You should see one that says AdSense. Click it!
3.Click on the tab that say "My Account" in the top part of the page.

There you should see all your information. Scroll all the way to the bottom. You'll see a title saying "Property Information" and below that it should say "AdSense for Content" and you ID directly after.

Next adding the ID to some blogs.
When I have done this the process has usually been pretty similar with each site so far. Basically what you need to do is:

~Log in to your account
~Click on my account
~You should see the options: view, edit, track, contact
~Click on edit
~You should see another set of option right below
~Click on Google AdSense information
~Copy and paste your pub Id, you only need to paste the ID from the pub part (don't add in the ca)
~Click submit

And your ready to start blogging.
Remember you don't need to do this process with blogger because it is a part of Google.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Make money Blogging.

The first thing you want to do to start making money blogging is get a Google account. If you don't already have one click here

~Next you can make an account here at blogger and start making money right away. Click here to make an account here at blogger. This is the best one to start with because it is part of google's products and services and all you have to do is start blogging once you get an account. With some other places you have to find you pub ID and add it to the account. We'll talk about how to do that in another post.

~Another place you can make an account that you can make money in your Google account is xomba. This is one where you will have to add your pub ID, click here to find out how. Xomba also gives you a tutorial.

~You can also sign up at Helium. You can make money by entering writing contest, you get paid immediately if you are the winner. Another way you can make money is to write articles for the big-name publishers. You make anywhere from $16 to $200 per article if your is chosen. Something to remember, Helium isn't just a place to blog, this site like high quality writing since there are publishers there looking for articles they can publish. They look for very organized, proper work. But don't let this discourage you! You can also learn a lot about writing there. There are great tips and ideas about becoming a better writer. There are lots of articles that help you as well. Also there are forums with lots of people who can help give advise on your writings. So if you a great writer or want to learn more about writing this is the place for you. Click the banner.

~You can also start an account at Squidoo. You can receive a lot of traffic to your other blogs by having a lens there and linking to your blogs. Squidoo is very high in search rankings. I get tons of traffic by linking from them. You can also receive commission from recommending Amazon products on your lens. If they sell you make some cash. Join here.

~Blogcharm pays you whenever your blog is seen. It is different from AdSense because they pay you by the ads on your blog. You get 50% of the inventory and revenue brought in. To join click here

~Blogger Party is another good one. This one you will need your pub ID from Google AdSense. To join click here.

Make money with ebay

Everybody knows about eBay.. well almost everybody. Some people are using eBay to make money and some are using eBay to shop for the best deals. What your here for, is to find out how you can make money with eBay, selling to those looking to buy the best deals.

You can get an eBay account for free to start selling. Or you can open up shop for a monthly price. I think this option is more for the people who have a steady flow of merchandise and buyers. You don't want to be paying a monthly fee for something you don't have yet. If your just getting started the free account works just as well.

Next you will need to find merchandise or products. This can sometimes be a frustrating task, I know I've been there. But I will give you a few ideas to help you get started. There are many places you can get merchandise. Here are places I find mine:

1. Yard Sales, you can always find things to resale at local yard sales. People are selling items for very cheap because they just want to get rid of it. This is a good place to start, you can find things in good to perfect shape, or if you know how to fix things you might find something to fix and sell.

2. Goodwill, the same things apply here. You can also visit this site to find things to resale . They have great items on the site. This is an auction site and you can find great things for cheap that you can resale on eBay.

3. craigslist, click the link and find you state and city. You will find people selling there stuff for cheap in your area. They should tell you the condition and/or show you a picture of the item. You can find almost anything on the site. You can also use craigslist to make money as well. If you find good deals on eBay or elsewhere you can sell to craigslist.

4. Online Deals. I like using this method pretty well. A lot of people think that the best deals are on eBay. That's where this method comes in handy for you. What you do is search for deals that are going on at online stores at places like: walmart, target, best buy, overstock, amazon etc. A lot of the time they are running deals that are cheaper than what they are selling for on eBay. So when you find deals you need to go to eBay and do a search of that item to see what they are selling for. You can use the advanced search option to search past actions to see the final bidding or selling price for a better idea. Then when you see that the deal at whatever store is lower than the price on eBay and that it is selling, you buy some and list it on eBay and make profit. One place you can find tons of deals at once is . When you get there just hover your mouse over the forum button in the top section then click on the Hot Deals button. There you will find tons of deals. You should have no problem finding something to sell on eBay.
You could also use this method at the physical stores themselves. The hard part is that you can't just go to eBay's website and do a search on the item that you are looking into buying. But you think that it will sell for more, by all means buy it or buy some and sell it.

5. CafePress over to the right there is a post about CafePress with more details. But basically you can create product and sell them on site or on eBay. You choose!

6. Drop shipping, this is a good way to start out if you don't have room to store merchandise.
Drop shipping is a way for you to get hooked up with wholesalers, list items you want to sell before you pay for them, sell them and when they sell you pay the company the wholesale price and you keep the profit. And when the product sales, you give the company the address of the buyer and they ship it for you. It's that simple. You can do this with doba . They give you a 7 day free trial and access to 1,000,000 product for drop shipping. There is a monthly fee, but you could find that it is worth it.

That's it for now! I will add as more Ideas come. Good Luck!

Make At CafePress

Add to Technorati Favorites
CafePress is a great place to make money. When you join you get your very own shop. You can choose between a Basic shop or a premium shop. A Basic shop is free and can only display one of each product that you create and can only featured once in the marketplace. The premium shop is $6.95 a month and you can display unlimited products and creations. You can use the website fully with this option.

What you can do: You can shop, you can create your own products with your own art, pictures you love and you can sell what you have created. You can put your ideas on products like apparel, prints and cards, mugs and ceramics, stuffed animals and toys, kid and baby items, books, audio and data CD's, and household items.

How to create: You choose the product you want to work with, you upload an image of whatever from your computer, and you put it in your shop to sell.

CafePress will handle all payments, ship the products, manage all returns, take care of customer service, and pay you monthly from your sales. They also offer employment opportunities to apply for. If you are interested in that all you have to do when you get there is scroll to the bottom of the page, where you'll see a green bar. Find where it says "About Us", click it. On the left hand side of the page you'll find some options, One of which says "work at". Once you click on that, click view all jobs. There you will find a complete list of jobs available to apply for.

Another great thing you can do is create the products you want, order them and resell them on eBay or a website you already own. This site is so fun, I love creating my own stuff. There's so much for you to do here.

If your ready to join or just want to look it over you can go here

Design and Sell Merchandise Online for Free

View my other posts for more ideas.